Will all Christians be Kings and Priests?

Seremos todos reyes y sacerdotes

It is common to hear among the Christian people that we will all be Kings and Priests, however, the word of God says that only the chosen ones will receive this great privilege.


One God, but do we have only one word?

Un solo Dios pero una solo palabra

All Christian denominations worship the same God, however, most teach different doctrines, and in many cases opposed to each other, when the Bible says that there are not many gospels.


Hope in times of crisis

Esperanza en tiempo de crisis 2

During times of need and crisis it is common to feel alone and abandoned, but we Christians belong to a very large family that can support and help us even in the deepest crisis.


The last great harvest of souls

La Gran Cosecha de Almas

The last great harvest of souls has nothing to do with a revival in the Christian churches, but with the return of Jesus Christ to earth.


Ecumenism / Dangerous Alliances

El Ecumenismo

No matter how well-intentioned we humans may be, this is not always what God is looking for from his children, the scripture declares that we should not make a covenant with the children of darkness because condemnation will come upon us.


The abomination of desolation


Many teach that the abomination is an idol that will be installed in the newly inaugurated “third temple in Jerusalem” and others teach that the abomination of desolation was the Roman army that destroyed the temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD.


The Rapture of the Church

El Rapto de la Iglesia

The Rapture of the Church is for many Christians their ultimate aspiration, others believe that all their problems and needs will end on that day; however, the rapture is a slightly different event than what many are used to hearing.


Why doesn’t God help me in times of great need?

Porque Dios no me ayuda 4

Praying and praying and no answer. Crying out to God…pleading…begging and nothing! Sometimes we feel that God does not listen to us or that God simply does not want to listen to us. However, God does answer and He usually does it through His church.


Have you ever felt rejected?

Alguna vez te sentiste rechazado

The article discusses the rejection Christians face for living in obedience to God, emphasizing the importance of standing firm in truth and pleasing Him.



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