Bible studies on:

The commandments of Jesus are the new law

Many Christians believe that we have no law to submit to, but the word of God says that the new law was given by the Son of God in person.


God’s New Covenant

The scriptures say that God has made a new covenant with men, this covenant is different and better than the first one since it offers us the opportunity to live forever.


Sin is the great barrier to break down

Sin is the great barrier that we must break down in order to see God, the scripture says that whoever sins willfully, there remains no more sacrifice for his sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment (Acts 10:26).


The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God will be established on Earth upon Jesus Christ’s return, bringing peace, justice, and everlasting righteousness as foretold in the Scriptures.


One God, but do we have only one word?

All Christian denominations worship the same God, however, most teach different doctrines, and in many cases opposed to each other, when the Bible says that there are not many gospels.


The Great Tribulation

Talk of “the great tribulation” is a cause of great concern to many Christians. It is known that this will be such a terrible period of time which has “never happened” in the history of mankind and will never be experienced again in the future.


Is Sunday really the Lord’s Day?

Is Sunday truly the Lord’s Day? Explore the biblical and historical basis of this tradition and its significance in Christian worship and doctrine.


The abomination of desolation

Many teach that the abomination is an idol that will be installed in the newly inaugurated “third temple in Jerusalem” and others teach that the abomination of desolation was the Roman army that destroyed the temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD.


Are the Christian’s tribulations a hardship or a requirement?

When we read the bible we discover that in both the old and new testaments the true servants of God have suffered countless needs and sufferings, on the contrary, the modern Christian believes that God wants us to enjoy superfluous things just as the world does.


Dispensationalism and Its Legacy in Modern Christianity

Dispensationalism is a current of theological thought that has left a deep imprint in the mind and heart of the 21st century believer. In this study we will see what are its implications in our salvation.


Man’s soul, spirit and body

This subject is highly controversial and subject to speculation, so we will turn to scripture to explain a little more about it.


Only the righteous shall inherit the earth

God has promised his people that they will inherit all things, but he specifically mentions that only the righteous will inherit the earth, so what will become of those who do not know about Jesus?


Born Again

Although two thousand years have passed since Jesus spoke about the new birth; this subject continues to be confusing to most modern Christians.


Jehovah’s Day of Vengeance

The Old Testament predicts that the final days will be filled with devastation and chaos around the world, this event known as Jehovah’s Day of Vengeance is the same event described in the New Testament as the return of Jesus Christ to earth.


Resurrection of the dead

The Resurrection of the dead is a little known topic among the evangelical Christian people; however, Paul spoke a lot about it. We will see in this study some topics about the resurrection of the dead that have gone unnoticed for a long time.


The last great harvest of souls

The last great harvest of souls has nothing to do with a revival in the Christian churches, but with the return of Jesus Christ to earth.


Ecumenism / Dangerous Alliances

No matter how well-intentioned we humans may be, this is not always what God is looking for from his children, the scripture declares that we should not make a covenant with the children of darkness because condemnation will come upon us.


Will a third temple be built in Jerusalem?

Many Christians and Jews believe that God will allow a new temple to be built in Jesusalem where animals will again be sacrificed as they were in the time of the Law of Moses.


God will reveal mysteries at the end of time

The bible is the word of God, we all know that, but what many do not know is that God has not stopped revealing his word to his chosen ones. The scripture says that God will reveal mysteries in the end time.


The antichrist and the false prophet

The Antichrist and the false prophet embody ultimate rebellion against God. They deceive nations, exalt evil, and lead many astray, yet God’s final judgment will prevail, fulfilling His eternal plan.



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