Bible Studies on:

Biblical doctrine is the set of fundamental teachings of Scripture that form the basis of your Christian faith and practice. Doctrine-focused Bible studies help you dig deeper into what the Bible teaches and apply these truths to your daily life.

By studying basic New Testament doctrines, such as salvation by grace, the Trinity, the resurrection of Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit, you will strengthen your understanding of and relationship with God. These studies not only inform, but also transform, leading you to live a life more aligned with God’s will and to experience greater purpose and hope.

Al estudiar doctrinas básicas del Nuevo Testamento, como la salvación por gracia, la Trinidad, la resurrección de Cristo y la obra del Espíritu Santo, fortalecerás tu comprensión y relación con Dios. Estos estudios no solo te informan, sino que también transforman, guiándote a vivir una vida más alineada con la voluntad divina y a experimentar un mayor propósito y esperanza.


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