God has promised his people that they will inherit all things, but he specifically mentions that only the righteous will inherit the earth, so what will become of those who do not know about Jesus?
The Resurrection of the dead is a little known topic among the evangelical Christian people; however, Paul spoke a lot about it. We will see in this study some topics about the resurrection of the dead that have gone unnoticed for a long time.
Sin is the great barrier that we must break down in order to see God, the scripture says that whoever sins willfully, there remains no more sacrifice for his sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment (Acts 10:26).
Many Christian customs have been adopted from the Catholic religion which obtained them from Roman paganism, one of them is the celebration of Christmas which has been one of the main celebrations for most of the evangelical congregations around the world.
When we read the bible we discover that in both the old and new testaments the true servants of God have suffered countless needs and sufferings, on the contrary, the modern Christian believes that God wants us to enjoy superfluous things just as the world does.
The Antichrist and the false prophet embody ultimate rebellion against God. They deceive nations, exalt evil, and lead many astray, yet God’s final judgment will prevail, fulfilling His eternal plan.
Although two thousand years have passed since Jesus spoke about the new birth; this subject continues to be confusing to most modern Christians.
This subject is highly controversial and subject to speculation, so we will turn to scripture to explain a little more about it.
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