The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God will be established on Earth upon Jesus Christ’s return, bringing peace, justice, and everlasting righteousness as foretold in the Scriptures.
Sin is the great barrier to break down

Sin is the great barrier that we must break down in order to see God, the scripture says that whoever sins willfully, there remains no more sacrifice for his sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment (Acts 10:26).
Jehovah’s Day of Vengeance

The Old Testament predicts that the final days will be filled with devastation and chaos around the world, this event known as Jehovah’s Day of Vengeance is the same event described in the New Testament as the return of Jesus Christ to earth.
The Great Tribulation

Talk of “the great tribulation” is a cause of great concern to many Christians. It is known that this will be such a terrible period of time which has “never happened” in the history of mankind and will never be experienced again in the future.